
Skullcandy Crusher-Headphone of the year.

Home » Skullcandy Crusher-Headphone of the year.

Exhibit Technologies presented their annual Exhibit Tech Awards held on 28th October, 2015 at The Novotel-Juhu, Mumbai. It was an evening to identify and crown the best in technology in the year 2014-2015. Tech brands were honored for their superlative product performances in more than 20 various categories like Wearable Tech of the Year, Smartwatch of the Year, Portable Storage Device of the Year, Headphone, Earphone, Wireless Speakers of the Year, Consumer Tech of the Year and many more.
Skullcandy Crusher- “Base you can feel”, because of its trendy look and phenomenal sound it gets tremendous response all across. Thus, leads to get nominated in the Exhibit Tech Awards 2015, and finally won the award as “Headphone of the year.”
Kudos to all….

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